We believe that church is not supposed to be boring! Learning about Jesus and developing your walk of faith should be an enjoyable and exciting journey that leads to personal growth and maturity in Christ Jesus. BC Home Church is a place where you can belong. Cultivating true friendships and connection with others is what draws people to want to be a part of our church family. If you are a first-time guest at BC Home Church, we pray that you feel welcomed, truly enjoy your time with us, and choose to make this place your HOME church as well!
BC Home Church is a community of believers that you can call HOME! Home is more than a building; home is a feeling! So, as you are a part of our community, we invite you to find a home with brothers and sisters on a similar journey of knowing Jesus more. We desire to:
Honor God & all people,
Obey the great commission,
Mentor the next generation, and
Entrust people with leadership.
Come and join us as we journey together to love Jesus more and to make Jesus known to the world.
We’re located at
1100 Adams Blvd
Boulder City, NV 89005
Service times:
9am & 11am
Things to know about BC Home Church
When are the service times?
Sunday mornings @ 9am and 11am
What you can expect at a worship gathering?
Each of our identical services are 1.5 hours in length and include a corporate time of singing worship songs together followed by a Biblical teaching of God's Word.
What about my kids?
We have kid's programs (preschool through Jr. high) available at the 11am service after the worship song set. There is a designated nursing/cry room available for parents and their babies to use during both of our Sunday morning services.
What is a Sunday like?
Our Sunday morning services are welcoming and friendly. You will be greeted at the front entrance with a warm smile and handed a program which includes our weekly announcements as well as a place to take message notes during the service. Join us in between our services at 10:30am where we offer FREE coffee and treats at our HOME Cafe located in the lobby. This time is an opportunity for you to build friendships by either staying after first service or coming early to second service.
What should I wear?
BC Home Church is a casual and relaxed atmosphere, so come dressed however you live everyday and are comfortable.